The Final Post Production Process: Polishing Your Video

Many people do not realise just how many steps go into making the perfect post production process for a video.

process of Post Production

Even a simple filmmaking process requires multiple phases of planning, execution, and crucially the post production process phase that allows production houses to polish and perfect videos.

Post production is the last step and in many ways it is the most important of all.

Fail to get it right and the whole project is in jeopardy.

A film with poor editing, patchy audio or other failures in the final process of post production will risk the failure of the whole filmmaking process.

What is Post production process:

The post-production process is the final stage of a film or video production. It involves the selection, sound editing and mixing of the raw materials that were captured during production.

For example: if you want to add a new shot of a character walking through an empty street at night, but you don’t have any raw footage of that scene yet, then you will have to shoot it yourself—which can be costly. And if the lighting is not just right for that shot in your footage from earlier on in your film (which would be more expensive than just using computer-generated imagery), then you’ll have to change it before you can use it.:

The post-production process can be broken down into two main parts:


The editing process consists of choosing which shots to use in a scene and how to arrange them into a narrative sequence. After this has been done, audio editing effects can be added if necessary.

Sound Mixing:

The mixing phase involves adjusting the volume levels of all sounds in the film or video production process, as well as making sure that everything sounds clear and distinct.

This step is usually performed by professional sound engineers who have extensive training and experience with audio engineering technology such as sound boards or synthesizers (see below).


Why Post Production is Important?

The post-production process is important because it allows you to create the best possible content for your audience. It gives you the opportunity to make sure that your video will be seen by the widest audience possible and that it will be as engaging as possible for them.

Without post-production, you might end up with a video that is not engaging for your audience. You might also miss out on opportunities to improve the quality of your video so that it has more impact on viewers.

This can lead to lost revenue from potential viewers who don’t want to watch a poorly edited video!

How Long Does Post-Production Take?

This question is one that is worth addressing, and it is something that must be factored in when you have the initial conversation with your film post-production company.

They must allow adequate time for all of the editing that will be needed.

Unfortunately, knowing how long the final process of post production stage is going to take is not easy, especially as every project is slightly different, and new challenges can always arise.

A good post-production company, with a thorough planning process like that of Insight Studios, will be able to give a close estimate.

The length of time that will be taken will depend on whether or not the video has visual effects, and what a complex job the audio editing and other aspects of post production are.

A look at our portfolio will show you exactly how diverse and different projects can be. Some require a lot of editing, while others just have minimal cuts and edits.

Post production can be a relatively quick process if the company is efficient, and if there isn’t a lot of work involved, but actually, it is far better to allow plenty of time to ensure that the final product is up to scratch.

Steps in Post Production Process Explained:

Let’s dive into the detailed steps involved in this post production phase.

Logging and Assembling Footage

Before making a rough edit, and then a final edit of your video, post production should involve the process of logging and assembling the raw footage.

This means ensuring that it is all saved and backed up with no risk of losing the crucial raw footage you want to use, and then getting rid of anything you don’t need, such as test shots.

Then you make them all available for the picture editing process, that will add different visual effects on it.

Rough Cut

A rough cut is used in filmmaking and post-production processes to record the different takes of a scene or sequence so that the director can choose which take he or she prefers.

The rough cut is not a final product. It is used to help the director decide what should be kept in the final cut, and what should be removed from consideration.

Far from the last step of post production processes, this is a way to start to allow your visuals to take shape, then the steps like audio production, adding sound effects, and visual effects can begin.

VFX and Sound Editing:

These steps are usually taking part simultaneously along with the rough cut, and working with the footage that already exists. A VFX artist or sound engineers may be starting their craft based on the rough edits, ready for the final edit to be created and their work to slot in.

Color Grading

Color grading is a big part of post production in a lot of video projects, it gives the whole production its final “feel” and mood. For instance, horror films will likely have very different grading as opposed to comedy films.

Final Cut

Eventually, we come to the last step of post production processes, the final cut, which encompasses a lot of different aspects of the edit.

The color grading and correction as well as visual effects are finalized in this step, and the sound that has been created is also added, and mixed. Mixing involves ensuring that all dialog as well as sound effects and music can be heard clearly.


Eventually, the product is ready for delivery to the client.

This filmmaking process will involve a lot of organizational skills and keeping backups of the files before delivering them on a hard drive or through digital delivery. Footage and editing files should all be kept as best practice.

This is the very final process of post production, and the point at which the team considers the project finished. The client will “sign off” on a piece of work, rubber stamping it to say that it is finished and ready to be published.

Summary – The Vital Steps of Post Production

You can’t risk getting post production wrong if you want to ensure an impactful project and a video that truly speaks to its target audience.

At Insight Studios, we know how crucial post production process in filmmaking truly is to start your project in the right way and bring your video dreams into reality. To start the production process, reach out to us.