Video Production vs Film Production: The Differences, and Similarities

video production vs film production

If you’ve not worked in the industry before, or you’re new to the world of film and video content, there’s a chance that you might not understand any difference in video production vs. film production. Plenty of people are under the illusion that these two terms both mean exactly the same thing, but this is not strictly true. While there is a lot of overlap in the two terms and the roles involved in making film and making video, that doesn’t mean there aren’t also differences.

In this guide, we’re going to delve further into some of the differences between film production and video production, explain a little more about the process and even help you to understand the difference between film and video.

Film or Video?

It helps to look at these two terms and consider what they mean. They are not always interchangeable.

For instance, if you were to ask someone “have you seen any good films recently?” they know you are referring to feature films. A film is an artistic pursuit, often with a script, actors, and a creative intent. If you ask the same person “have you seen any good videos recently?” they might think of a funny cat video that they have seen.

Video is the medium, and it is the way that films are communicated to people, but a film is definitely a different thing to a video, which is crucial to understand if we are going to understand the videography process.

The Scope For Roles to Change:

It is really important to explain that within the video industry and the filmmaking industry roles can change an awful lot. Every role has the scope and potential to be different based on the company making a video, the team, and even the goal of the project.

A video producer could work on two different films and while their skills will be the same for each, the role, and how they use those skills, could be different. So, when we explain the differences, and address questions like “what is the video production process?” We are taking into account the fact that things can vary within the industry. This is one of the reasons why these terms need explaining.

What is Film Production?

what is film production

When you watch a film in the cinema or at home you will notice that there are many different roles on the credits, including “film producers”. These are the main people who are concerned with getting the film made, and often focus on the logistics of making films, as well as being part of the creative team in some instances.

Film production, of course, relates solely to the production of things that can be described as films, whether that means a feature film or a documentary film. Often, the sort of films we’re talking about have scripts, and involve actors.

The three phases of film production include pre production, production, and post-production. Producers know this and work alongside a director and the rest of the crew to guide the film through all of these steps.

So, in pre-production, the art of film production will usually involve planning, and working on the film’s concept, as well as planning things like actors that might be in the film, and other crew that they may recruit for the film. Some producers also help with funding and the other financial elements of the film.

When the movie shifts through to the production stage it is likely that the producers and anyone involved in film production will be focusing on:

  • Managing the days of shooting and the logistics to make these things happen. This may well include things like call sheets and managing other crew members and managers.
  • Handling the budget. This is a crucial aspect of making films and is something that the director, who is usually calling a lot of the shots, will not get deeply involved in. The budget may be the role of an executive producer who may even have an accounting background.
  • Helping with the creative direction of the film.


Put very simply, film production is everything that is involved with taking the film idea from script or concept and turning it into a complete movie.

What is Professional Video Production?

what is video production

While film production is a focus on taking an idea for the actual film and bringing it to fruition, a video production company might suggest a slightly different proposition due to the fact that a video may not be focused on story-telling.

For instance, a video can be a tutorial video or a testimonial. Remember that video is the medium and the format rather than the actual end product, so a video can be a variety of different things.

So, video production may take different shape based on the different types of video. For example, you won’t be in a position to hire actors if you are just making a tutorial video, but instead you might need to get presenters involved.

Video production has the same end goal, in that it is the creation process of a video. This means that if you are involved, you are taking an idea and turning it into a final video, but that will have a lot of different steps depending on the type of video.

Our team are experienced in both film and video production, whether you are looking to make a creative video or a more functional video like a tutorial. We have the skills to bring your ideas to life.

Differences Between Film Production and Video Production

So, now that we have defined both of these roles, let’s look at some of the main differences. From reading the definitions then you have probably already started to understand how the production roles may vary.

Film Producers Focus on Story

This is one of the key differences in the two roles. Pretty much everybody involved in the production of a film is focused on telling some sort of story. When you think about it, even a documentary film is telling a story.

If you are the producer, you will constantly be thinking of how you are able to tell that story most effectively. All of the people involved are taking on that role and creating a tale for anyone who will watch.

A lot of people who work in the video industry are not so focused on story. For example, if you are making a product demonstration video then there is no focus on things like acting or getting the best props, it is likely that the focus is purely on making the video flow, look good, and ensuring that it is edited well.

In Film, Every Shot is Planned

The pre production steps of a film are also likely to be very different from video production. The storyboarding will be more intense and detailed too. When it comes to making certain types of video, such as interviews, the chances to plan in too much detail might not be an option.

This also extends to the production phase and when the video is actually being shot. On a big film production there will potentially be many people working on every single scene, and even cinematographers laboring over how it should look. If you work with a quality, professional team creating a film they will spend a lot of time crafting the look of each and every shot.

Post Production is Very Different

What is post production in video production, and how is it different from film production? The two have some distinct differences.

The post production process is about taking the footage and turning it into a cohesive and coherent end production. When exploring the production process, post production is the final step. If you are making a simple product video for YouTube then there probably won’t be a great deal of creativity involved.

For a film, post production will probably be much more in-depth and also involve areas such as special effects, which are rarely seen when it comes to simple video production. If you are recording a corporate video, the editing process is still going to require some work, but it is not usually going to include too many artistic edits.

Video Production May Be Small Scale

Scale is also one of the crucial potential differences between video production and film production. When you know what the video production process is you will also know that certain aspects of it may only require one person, depending on the type of video.

For example, if you are shooting an interview for somebody. There is a chance that there will just be one person answering questions, and this means that a quality video maker or production company may be able to make an amazing product even with just a few people involved.

Contrast this with a big film where there are likely to be a lot more people. From set designers through to audio engineers, a large film is almost always going to be big in scale.

It is definitely true that the advancements in technology and new camera and microphone technologies have made it easier for small teams, but most are in agreement that a big team of professional, experienced video staff is the way to get the most detailed and polished result.

Film or Video Production?

Some companies are able to offer both film production and video production. There are so many areas of crossover and talented professionals video makers who will be able to adapt to create something perfect for your needs. We offer a full team, built to handle even large-scale productions.

Whether you need testimonial videos, corporate videos, marketing videos, or full-scale films made, our team at Insight Studios can bring your dreams into reality. Get in touch with us today to start the process.